Additive Manufacturing
Inspired by Henry Ford's famous line—'you can have any color you want, as long as it’s black'—we’ve streamlined our process to focus on a single material, color and in two finishes.
This focused approach allows us to tightly manage costs and pass on savings to our customers. At 67 Manufacturing, simplicity means repeatable quality outcomes.

Smoothing & Sealing™
We believe parts leaving our facility should be correctly finished and sealed. It is a great option.
We work with our clients to ensure the parts are optimized for Smoothing and Sealing™ before we print.
Smoothing technologies are at the bleeding edge of the 3D printing industry. We know that all too well and understand fully “the dark art” to be able to operate these machines in a cost effective way.

Design for Success & DFMA
Our team can provide Design for Manufacturability and Assembly (DFMA) assistance as well as feedback on your parts to ensure optimal printing and Smoothing & Sealing™.
We know from doing a lot of Smoothing & Sealing™ of our own production parts that the features of the part are crucial for optimal sealing. Characteristics such as wall thickness, average thickness, intersection angles, wells, surface area, undercuts and many more model features impact if a part can be sealed, or not.

Single Material Consistency
While there are countless materials available on the market, we’ve rigorously tested and perfected our process to the #1 SLS material today - Nylon PA12
Nylon PA12 consistently delivers the best all-around performance. Its reliability, durability, and versatility make it the ideal choice for a wide range of applications.

Securing Your Intellectual Property
At 67 Designs, your designs stay right where they belong—in safe hands and in the United States of America.
Our company does not outsource any Additive Manufacturing work or broker the job to any other company.